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Ukraine Conference COMMON FUTURE at Poznan in Poland on 7 & 8 October 2024

Upon invitation by the Polish-Ukrainian Chamber,UAA-President Alfred F. Praus had the pleasure to speakon international support for the build-up of Ukraine.

Poland is taking a pivotal interest to support Ukraine militarily, in humanitarian matters and, needless to say, in infrastructure projects and, needless to say, to make business.

The congress, held this year the second time, is developing to a high-level and very competent jour fixe for the Polish, Ukrainian and international community.

In order to strengthen and optimize the financial support by the international community, focus has to be put on the formation of a joint unit to reconcile and bundle the international financial support in a supra-national or even supra-continental way. At the same time the channelling of the funds to the appropriate build-up projects in Ukraine will also have to be dealt with in a coordinated and controlled way to prevent possible sub-optimal use or even misuse.

Ideas and proposals in this respect have been put forward, e.g. a kind of Marshall Plan or a KfW model (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in Germany) or the respective initiatives by Timothy Ash.

Hence the wheel has not to be re-invented.

An international banking forum in Kyiv in early 2025 which the International Council of Business Associations and Chambers in Ukraine (ICBAC) is preparing is aimed at paving the way for making progress in this matter being so vital for Ukraine and internationally.

See the poster.


Charity concert on November 12 in Vienna

On 12 November 2024 we are organizing, as every year, a charity concert for Ukraine in Vienna “Noche Española” in Vienna.

This time the Rotary Clubs Wien Mozart, Wien Donau and Thalia are cooperating with us.

Acclaimed soprano Susanna Chakhoian is giving this recital accompanied by a prominent Spanish pianist and a rising star guitarist.

We are looking forward to welcome you. For tickets: See the poster.


Opening of the Ukrainian exhibition „Eyes on the War” on 19 June 2024 Grand Ceremonial Hall of University of Vienna

Upon initiative and in cooperation with UAA, University of Vienna hosted the opening of the photo exhibition on 19 June which will be shown till end of the month.

In their addresses at the opening, university rector Sebastian Schuetze, MP and head of the Ukrainian delegation to PACE, Mariia Mezentseva (online), Ukrainian ambassador to Austria, Vasyl Khymynets, director of the Diplomatic Academy, ambassador Emil Brix and the undersigned emphasized the importance of conveying true and realistic information to the public about the reasons for the Russian aggression and land grab, the living circumstances under war, the cruelties and war crimes committed by the Russians as well as the damage and destruction caused and finally the massive number of war victims including the civil ones.

It was also emphasized that a victory of Russia would entail grave consequences for Europe and the democratic world order. Following the showing of a video on the war, which was made available, together with the photos exhibited, by the Office of the President of Ukraine, the university hosted a panel discussion about the war with international and Austrian academic experts and Prosecutor General of Ukraine, Andriy Kostin (online).

There ample space was devoted to the discussion on how to make the aggressor pay for the war crimes and damage and how to convict the perpetrators, i.e. by a tribunal. Such information to the public is widely spared by the media in Austria and Western Europe in general. Consequently the public lacks awareness of these elementary issues.

The opening was streamed to an audience of several hundred at the channels of University of Vienna, and the cooperation partners Diplomatic Academy in Vienna, the Paneuropean Movement in Austria and the Salzburg Institute of Regions. The undersigned will strive to bring this exhibition to other locations, best open spaces in Austria in UAA’s commitment to demonstrate facts and thus to counter the Russian fake narratives.

The book displayed at the opening “Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine – Fakten und Perspektiven” which was written by Oksana Stavrou upon initiative of the undersigned will probably be used as teaching material at the upper grades of Austria’s gymnasiums.

Full video of the opening on YouTube: Stream zum Nachsehen Vienna, 21 June 2024 Alfred F. Praus m.p. President



President of UAA spoke about the damage caused to Ukraine till to date, amounting to USD 152 bn and on the needs to build back better within the coming 10 years what had been destroyed or damaged by the Russians, amounting to USD 486 bn. At the same time he informed on the various support packages already committed, totalling many billion and on the prospects of using the Russian central bank money of USD 300 bn, at least as a collateral for support money.


Vienna Chaity Ball on 24 April at Fairmont Hotel, Kyiv

UAA is partner at the Charity Vienna Ball on 24 April at Fairmont Hotel. Net proceeds will be donated to SOS Children’s Villages Ukraine.


Symposium RUSSIA'S WAR AGAINST UKRAINE on April 8 at Vienna City Hall

Upon invitation by the major of Vienna, Michael Ludwig, Ukrainian-Austrian Association hosted this symposium in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna and in partnership with University of Vienna, IDM, IWM, Paneuropa, and Institute of Regions

At the beginning famous Ukrainian painter Ivan Marchuk donated one of his paintings to City of Vienna where he has been so welcome after fleeing Ukraine due to the war.

The author had the pleasure to organize and to moderate this important event which received much attention by an audience of approx. 250 with high level speakers like 1st President of the Vienna City Parliament Ernst Woller, Ukrainian ambassador to Austria Vasyl Khymynets, director of Diplomatic Academy ambassador Emil Brix, well-known Ukrainian author Tanja Maljartschuk, Prof. of Vienna University Wolfgang Mueller, author of the book 'Russia's war against Ukraine' Oksana Stavrou, rector of the renowned Institute of Human Sciences Misha Glenny and Prof. Holger Hestermeyer, expert on international law.

The discussion covered essential topics like roots of and reasons for this colonial war and war of the autocratic system against democracy as it was dubbed, started by Russia war, geopolitical perspectives and last not least the issues of reparations, war crimes, tribunal and planned use of the frozen Russian assets for rebuilding of Ukraine.

Needless to say that discussions were continued during the reception.


Ukraine-Symposium am 08.04.2024 im Rathaus Wien

Video- und Fotocollage "Eyes on the War" - Podiumsdiskussion betreffend Ursachen des Kriegs, Opfer und Schäden, Perspektiven und Reparationen.


Panel-Diskussion am 28.2. an der Diplomatischen Akademie:
„Ukraine: 2 Years of the Russian War. What’s at stake and what’s ahead?“

24th February 2022, marks a turning point in recent European history. Two years ago, the Russian Federation launched a war of aggression against its neighbour Ukraine, fatefully demonstrating to the world the imperial ambitions of the Russian leadership.

Since that date, large swathes of Ukraine have been devastated, the most serious war crimes have been committed and millions of people have been forced to flee their home regions. Nevertheless, the Kremlin was unable to achieve its initial war goals – Russian President Vladimir Putin significantly underestimated the resilience of Ukraine and of the West.

The panellists will discuss different narratives about “what’s at stake?” and try to assess “what’s ahead?” including ways towards peace and consequences for a future European security architecture.

During the event the publication by Oksana Stavrou, “Russlands Krieg gegen die Ukraine: Worum geht es? Fakten und Perspektiven“ (Wien 2024), supported by the Ukrainian-Austrian Association, will be presented.


Benefizkonzert Una Serata Italiana am 20.9.2023 im Ehrbar Saal in Wien

Nach dem großartigen Erfolg des Benefizkonzerts am 21.09.2022 - standing ovations und ein Reinerlös von 10.000 € für Ukraineprojekte - lädt die Ukrainian-Austrian Association (UAA), diesmal in Partnerschaft mit den Rotary Club Wien-Mozart und dem Rotary Club Wien Donau wiederum zum Konzert mit der ukrainischen Starsopranistin Susanna Chakhoian. Diesmal haben wir den international geschätzten Bariton Andrei Bondarenko als ihren Vokalpartner gewonnen; begleitet werden die beiden wiederum von Istvan Bonyhady am Flügel.

Der Ehrbar Saal als architektonisches Juwel aus dem 19. Jht. verleiht diesem hochstehenden Konzert eine besondere Atmosphäre.

Anschließend wird zu einem Meet & Greet bei einem Gläschen Wein geladen.

Ticketbestellungen via Alfred Praus (


Online-Forum moderated by Alfred Praus on the future of Ukraine after the war on 11 July 2023

On July 12, our public movement Public movement Vilna Natsiya (Free Nation) and the Ukrainian-Austrian Association (UAA) organized an event on the topic "Ukraine after victory: necessary changes". This event about the post-war change program brought together politicians, public figures, experts and entrepreneurs from the USA, India, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Romania, Macedonia, Georgia, Canada, Hong Kong, Kosovo, Austria, Italy, France, Great Britain.

One of the main issues is how to increase direct foreign investment. We discussed what changes are necessary to promote the attraction of foreign investors and stimulate the country's economic development.

The rule of law was another important topic of discussion. The participants identified the main problems in this aspect and discussed ways to improve the law and order in Ukraine.

Alfred F. Praus, President of the Ukrainian-Austrian Association moderated the event and prompted an interesting and constructive discussion with the distinguished participants, among them:

Victor Micula — Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania to Ukraine;

Remigijus Simasius —mayor of the city of Vilnius, ex-minister of justice and ex-member of the Lithuanian parliament;

Ivan Miklos — ex-Minister of Finance of Slovakia;

Vilius Šapoka — ex-Minister of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania;

Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis - former Minister of Education and Science and Minister of Economy of Latvia;

Roman Sheremeta is a world-renowned economist, the founding rector of the American University Kyiv private university, a professor at the Management School of Case Western Reserve University;

Marco Toson — president of the "Hope Ukraine" charity fund, representative of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Ukrainian CCI in Italy;

Jaroslav Romanchuk — Chief Economist of the Office of Simple Solutions & Results , founder of the public movement "Hub VILNI";

Richard Wright is an expert on economics and politics, a representative of the Free Nation public movement in Canada and Hong Kong;

Irantha Duwage is the CEO and founder of DBI Hotels&Resorts

Burim Mustafa is Owner at BBF Co. Beverages Manufacturing,

David Kartozia is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CS IMTD-International.


International hybrid Forum „Building a modern European Ukraine”

On 26 June 2023 UAA organized this forum in partnership with the Diplomatic Academy Vienna at their premises.

In three panels, namely “Economy”, “The state after the war”, and “The role of civil society”, a comprehensive, profound and true picture of the difficult status and a realistic outlook was given by 15 distinguished speakers from Ukraine, Austria, Brussels and Berlin. Approx. 160 guests in person and many more online were following this forum which ended up with a dynamic and expressive musical interludium performed by Susanna Chakhoian, long-term soloist and soprano of National Opera of Ukraine and with a reception on the beautiful terrasse of the Academy.

Thanks to Federation of Austrian Industries, Advantage Austria and Vienna Insurance Group for making this very successful forum possible.


  • Ukraine War damage Cost of Recovery
  • Ukraine War damage Cost of Recovery
  • Ukraine War damage Cost of Recovery

President Alfred F. Praus represented UAA as one of the main speakers at the Ukraine-Forum in Lugano on 11/12 May 2023 hosted by the Ukraine-Swiss Business Association.

The forum hosted more than 300 representatives from Swiss business and guest from Ukraine and an impressive list of international speakers.

He informed the audience of 300+ about the damage Ukraine has suffered till now due to the Russian war. In a panel discussion on the main stage his message to the Swiss companies attending was:

1. Start investment projects NOW and do not hesitate – many international projects with finance of billions of EURO or USD are already under way; lead time of projects will be between 6 and 12 months;

2. Establish a rough business plan and liaise with both the competent Ukrainian authorities for receiving preference project status and IFIs, etc. which may fund the project;

3. If project location is in eastern or southern Ukraine consider applying for a political risk/war insurance;

4. A Western advisor with local know how and the necessary contacts may be useful and will build trust on the investor’s side

So you will be ready to start the project when the war has (hopefully) ended.

Alfred F. Praus «Ukraine War damage Cost of Recovery»


International Forum on build-up of Ukraine.

On 26 June 2023 UAA will host the international forum «Building-up of a Modern European Ukraine» in partnership with the Diplomatic Academy Vienna.

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